Support Education Freedom!

Support Education Freedom!

We need your help to achieve school choice for every child. Please join us!

Idaho students need your help! State “leaders” like Governor Little are more interested in appeasing the teacher’s union and spending more tax dollars on a broken system than letting parents choose the education environment that meets their children’s unique needs. We are diligently working with legislators to propose a universal education savings account (ESA) modeled after the highly successful law in Arizona. State legislatures all across the country are advancing universal ESAs and Idaho should be one of them.

With a universal ESA, money follows students to their parents’ school of choice. That is critical to restoring parents’ right to direct their children’s education. Competition through school choice will improve academic outcomes for all students. As competition increases, so will innovation and accountability.

As you’ve likely seen, public schools are pushing divisive and radical ideologies on children. Parents deserve an alternative! School choice empowers parents to move their children to an educational environment respectful to their family’s values. Ending the cycle of indoctrination is crucial to saving our Republic. It is also why Governor Little and his Ed Inc. cronies hate it so much.

We need your help to achieve school choice for every child. Please join us! Use the form to the right to contact your legislators and Little and tell them you want education freedom and you want them to support a universal ESA that funds students, not systems.

Click Here if you don’t see the form below.